Volumetric Flask
PURPOSE: Volumetric Flask is used for precise dilutions and preparation of stan-dard solutions.
These flasks are usually pear-shaped, with a flat bottom, and made of glass or plastic. The flask’s mouth is either furnished with a plastic snap/screw cap or fitted with a joint to accommodate a PTFE or glass stopper.
The neck of the volumetric flasks is elongated and narrow with an etched ring graduation marking.
The marking indicates the volume of liquid contained when filled up to that point. The marking is typically calibrated”to contain” (marked “TC” or “IN”) at 20 °C and indicated correspondingly on a label.
Smaller sized flasks i.e. 5ml & 10ml have a high centre of gravity which makes them prone to falling. Therefore, TZ shape that provides stability and prevents the flask from falling by doubling the base area.
Showing all 6 results
Volumetric Flask with one graduation mark & pp stopper Amber color
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Volumetric Flask with one graduation mark & Inter-changeable penny head stopper white print
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Volumetric Flask with one graduation mark & inter-changeable penny head stopper amber color
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Volumetric Flask with one graduation mark & PP stop-per white print
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Volumetric Flask with one graduation mark & PP stop-per, amber print
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Volumetric Flask with Rim without stopper
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Services We Provide
- Glassware
- Stoppers
- Condenser
- Double Surface Condenser
- Allihn Condensers (Bulb Condensers)
- Allihin Condenser for Soxhlet
- Coil Condensers, Graham, Coiled Distillate Type
- Double Coil Condenser
- Freidrich Condenser With Drip Trip and I/C Joints
- Liebig Condensers with Drip Tip
- Liebig Condensers
- Air Condensers
- The coolant is introduced through the lower fitting, while the higher fitting serves as the exit point
- Usually a high flow rate is not essential for maintaining a cooling surface
- Miscellaneous Glassware
- Water Still
- Stopcocks
- P.T.E. F. Key Stopcock Separating Funnel
- GIass Key stopcock Straight for Burette
- Rotaflow stopcock 90°
- Y-Stopcock
- T-Stopcock
- Glass Key stopcock with Screw and Cap for Burette.
- PTFE Key Stopcock Burette, Borosilicate Glass. 3.3 machine Jet
- Stopcock with Threading & Cap Separating Funnel
- Glass Stopcock Straight Separating Funnel
- Pipette
- Pipette Volumetric with one mark, amber print and” machine jet
- Pipette Volumetric with one mark white print and Machine jet
- Pipette Volumetric with one mark, amber print and” machine jet
- Graduated Pipettes, serdogical Machine Jet
- Graduated Pipettes serological Machine Jet Amber Colour
- Graduated Pipettes Molirp Machine Jet
- Graduated Pipettes Mohr, Mach ine Jet Amber colour
- Artificial Insemination Cattle Taper Tip
- Bacteriological 1Pipett Graduated
- Ostwald-Foiin Pipette
- Sampling Pipette
- Gerber Pipette
- Alcohol Pipette
- Pasteur Pipette
- Mechanical Pipette with 2 stop cock
- Weighing Scoops with open tubular arm
- Columns
- Fractionating Column, Vigreus
- Chromatography Column Plain with P.T.E.F. Screw Type Rotaflow Stopcock
- Chromatography Column Plain with P.T.E.F. Screw Type Rotaflow Stopcock
- Fractionating Column Dufton
- Fractionating Column Rod & Disc Pattern
- Chromatography Column with Sintered Disc and Glass Stopcock
- Chromatography Column Plain with P.T.E.F. Screw Type Rotaflow Stopcock
- Chromatography Column Plain with Glass Stopcock
- Chromatography Sprayers
- Sintered Ware
- Buchner Funnel, with Sintered Disc of Porosity G-0 or G-1 or G-2 or G-3 or G-4, Cone at Stem
- Buchner Funnel, with Sintered Disc of Porosity G-0 or G-1 or G-2 or G-3 or G-4, Plain Stem
- Crucible, Gooch Type with Sintered Disc of Porosity G-0 or G-1 or G-2 or G-3 or G-4
- Porosity Grades and their General Use
- Volumetric Flask
- Volumetric Flask with one graduation mark & PP stop-per white print
- Volumetric Flask with one graduation mark & PP stop-per, amber print
- Volumetric Flask with one graduation mark & Inter-changeable penny head stopper white print
- Volumetric Flask with one graduation mark & inter-changeable penny head stopper amber color
- Volumetric Flask with one graduation mark & PP stopper, Amber color
- Volumetric Flask with Rim without stopper
- Funnel
- Dropping Funnel
- Dropping Funnels, Cylindrical with socket & PTFE Needle Valve Stopcock, Stem with cone & with Stopper
- Dropping Funnels Cylindrical with Socket & Glass stopcock stem with cone & with stopper
- Dropping Funnels Cylindrical with Polythene stopper & glass stopcock amber
- Dropping Bottles Boro 3.3 fitted with pipette and rubber teat
- Dropping Bottles Neutral Hard Glass with Screw Cap and Rubber Teat
- Dropping Funnels Cylindrical Graduated with PTFE key & polythene stopper
- Pressure Equalting funnel
- Pressure Equalising Funnels Pear Shape with socket& PTFE key stopcock and stem with cone
- Pressure Equalising Funnels Pear Shapewith socket, glass stopcock & stem with cone
- Pressure Equalising Funnels Cylindrical with socket & PTFE key stopcock and stem with cone.
- Pressure Equalising Funnels Cylindrical with Socket Glass Stopcock and stem with cone
- Seperating funnel
- Separating Funnels with PTFE key Stopcock & Polythe-lene stopper Pear shape
- Separating Funnels Pear Shape with socket & Glass stopcock, with cone & with stopper
- Separating Funnels with PTFE needle valve Stopcock & Polythene stopper Pear shape
- Separating Funnels with Glass Stopcock& polythene stopper Pear Shape
- Separating Funnels Graduatedwith PTFE needle valve (Rotaflow) & Polythene stopper Squibb shape
- Separating Funnels with PTFE needle valve (Rota flow) & Polythene stopper Squibb shape
- Separating Funnels with Glass stopcock & Polythene Stopper Squibb shape
- Separating Funnels, Pear shape with socket & PTFE needle valve stopcock with cone & with stopper
- Separating funnels, Graduated with PTFE key Stop Cock & Interchangeable Squibb shape
- Dropping Funnel
- Burette
- Burette with Pinch Cock
- Burette with Pinch Cock
- Burette with PTEF Key/Teflon Plunger stopcock
- Burette, Automatic Zero, mounted on Reservoir with Screw type PTFE Rotaflow Needle Valve Stopcock and Rubber bellow
- Burette with PTFE licitaflow Stopcock(Flalf-Teflon)
- Burette with PTFE Rotaflow Stopcock(Full-Teflon)
- Burette with PTFE Rotaflow Stopcock(Full-Teflon)
- Burette with Straight Bore Glass Key Stopcock
- Burette with PTFE Key/Teflon Plunger stopcock
- Burette with Straight Bore Glass Key Stopcock
- Burette with Screw Type Glass Key Stopcock
- Burette with PTFE Rotaflow Stopcock(Full-Teflon), Amber
- Burette with PTFE Rotaflow Stopcock(Full-Teflon), Amber
- Burette with PTFE Rotaflow Stopcock(Half-Teflon)
- Ground Glass joints
- Adopters
- Reduction Adapters
- Receiver Adapters Sloping
- Expansion Aclapter5
- Multiple Adapters, with Three Necks, Two Parallel and one M 456
- Multiple Adapters, with Two Necks On Vertical and one at 4SII
- Multiple Adapters, with Three Necks, Two Parallel and one M 456
- Adapters Socket to one with Tee Connection
- Receiver Adapters Vertical
- Receiver Adapters Perkin
- Receiver Adapterso Plain Bend
- Receiver Adapters Bend with Vaccum Connection
- Receiver Adapters Straight
- Receiver Adapters bend with Vent
- Receiver Adapters Vertical
- Receiver Adapters Sloping
- Receiver Adapters Perkin
- Receiver Adapterso Plain Bend
- Receiver Adapter Bend with Multiple Connection
- Receiver Adapters Bend with Vaccum Connection
- Receiver Adapters Straight
- Receiver Adapters bend with Vent
- Receiver Delivery Adapters
- Receiver Delivery Adapters. Short Stern
- Receiver Delivery Adapters
- Receiver Delivery Adapters. Short Stern
- Swan Neck Adapters
- Adopters
- Socket
- Cones
- Spherical Joint
- Beaker
- Cylinder
- Dishes
- Thermometers
- Ground Soket Joints
- Bottles
- Reagent bottle
- Other Bottles
- Weighing Bottles Ground in stopper
- Density Bottle Calibrated with Stopper
- Picknometer with Thermometer Class B
- B.O.D. Bottle with Interchangeable Stopper
- Woulf Bottle Three Neck B-14
- Woulf Bottle Two Neck B-14
- Dropping Bottles Neutral Hard Glass with Screw Cap and Rubber Teat
- Dropping Bottles Boro 3.3 fitted with pipette and rubber teat
- Mac-Cartney Bottles complete with Aluminium Cap
- Dreschel/Gas Washing Bottle
- Wash Bottle with Interchangeable Stopper
- Aspirator Bottle with Interchangeable Stopcock
- Aspirator Bottle with Socket
- Aspirator Bottle
- Culture Bottle Roux
- Mc Cartney Bottles
- Solution Bottle
- Gas Sampling Tube with Stopcock
- Appratus
- Dessicator with Lid, Vacuum with Stopcock, Borosilicate 3.3 Glass
- Distillation Apparatus, consists of R.B. Flask recovery bend, Liebig condenser and receiver adapter
- Water Distillation Apparatus
- Spare Extractor for Soxhlet Apparatus
- Charls Law Apparatus
- Distillation Apparatus, Compact With Friedrichs Condenser, Inter-changeable Joint
- Alcohol Distillation Unit
- Gas Generation App. (Kipps)
- Water Level Apparatus Wooden Base
- Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus
- Essential Oil Determination Apparatus
- Cleavenger Appratus for Determination of Volatile Oil comprising of 1000 ml flask oil separator tube and condenser
- Dessicator
- Moulded Ware
- Filtration Assembly
- Flasks
- Flasks Round gottorn, Three Neck Centre Neck and Two Angled Side Necks, with interchangeable Joints
- Erlenmeyer/Conical, Flasks, Narrow Neck with Graduation
- Erlenmeyer/Conical, Flasks, Narrow Neck with Graduation
- Boiling Flask
- Flask Flat Bottom with Beaded Rim
- Evaporating Flask -Pear Shaped Suitable for Rotary Evaporators with Ground Socket
- Flask Boiling Round Bottom, with Beaded Rim
- Flasks Round Bottom,Centre Neck and Three Parallel Side Neck, with Interchangeable Joints
- Flasks Round Bottom Two Neck Centre Neck and One Angled S eN eck, With Interchangeable Joints
- Moisture Determination Apparatus, Dean and Stark (complete set)
- Flasks Round Bottom Two Neck , Centre Neck and One Parallel Side Neck, with nterchangeable Joints
- Tubes
- Culture Tube Flat Bottom with Bakelite Cap Amber Color
- Culture Tube Flat Bottom with Bakelite Cap.
- Culture Tube Round Bottom with Bakelite Cap Amber Color
- Culture Tube Round Bottom with Bakelite Cap
- Culture Bottle Roux
- Test Tubes, Round Bottom without rim
- Test Tubes Neutral Hard Glass Round Bottom Heat resistant.
- Test Tube Stand 3 Tier 13mm/31Holes
- Test Tube Stand Simple 6 Test Tubes/25mm
- Test Tube Stand Simple 6 Test Tube
- Test Tube with Joint & Hollow Stopper Graduated.
- Test Tubes, Round Bottom without rim
- Test Tubes Neutral Hard Glass, Heat Resistant Autoc-lavable Resistant to Temperature upto 3500 C without Rim.
- Test Tubes Neutral Hard Glass Heat Resistant Autoc-lavable Resistant to Temperature upto 3500 C without Rim.
- Test Tubes Round Bottom with rim Plain Boro 3.3
- Tubes Funnel Test Tubes
- Culture Tube Flat Bottom with Bakelite Cap.
- Culture Tube Flat Bottom with Bakelite Cap Amber Color
- Grade A
- Burettes
- Burette with Screw Type Glass Key Stopcock
- Exclusive Item: Burette, Automatic Zero, mounted on Reservoir with PTFE Rotaflow Stopcock and Rubber bellow, Amber
- Burette with Pinch Cock
- Burette with PTFE Key/Teflon Plunger stopcock
- Burette with PTFE licitaflow Stopcock(Flalf-Teflon)
- Burette with PTFE Rotaflow Stopcock(Full-Teflon)
- Burette with PTFE Rotaflow Stopcock(Full-Teflon)
- Burette with PTFE Rotaflow Stopcock(Full-Teflon), Amber
- Burette with PTFE Rotaflow Stopcock(Full-Teflon), Amber
- Burette with PTFE Rotaflow Stopcock(Half-Teflon)
- Burette with Screw Type Glass Key Stopcock
- Burette, Automatic Zero, mounted on Reservoir with Screw type PTFE Rotaflow Needle Valve Stopcock and Rubber bellow
- Measuring Cylinder
- Pipettes
- Graduated Pipettes Mohr, Mach ine Jet Amber colour
- Graduated Pipettes Molirp Machine Jet
- Graduated Pipettes serological Machine Jet Amber Colour
- Graduated Pipettes, serdogical Machine Jet
- Pipette Volumetric with one mark, amber print and” machine jet
- Dropping Funnels Cylindrical with socketScrew type PTFE key stopcock without cone
- Dropping funnels Cylindrical with PTFE key & polythene stopper
- Dropping Funnels Cylindrical Graduated with Rotaflow stopcock & polythene stopper
- Dropping Funnels Cylindrical With polythene stopper & PTFE needle valve stopcock
- Dropping Funnels Cylindrical Graduated With Polythe-lene Stopper and Glass Stopcock
- Dropping Funnels Cylindrical with socketScrew type PTFE key stopcock without cone
- Volumetric Flask
- Burettes
- Plasticware
- Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base.
- Measuring Jug
- Beaker Measuring Cylinder Hexagonal Base.
- Pipette Stand Horizontal for 12 Pipettes
- Pipette Stand Vertical
- Retort Stand(225*150)(Slide Hole)180
- Specimen Jar
- Test Tube Stand Simple 6 Test Tube
- Test Tube Stand Simple 6 Test Tubes/25mm
- Test Tube Stand 3 Tier 13mm/31Holes
- Bell Jar with Cap
- Slide Box 25 Slides
- Slide Box 50 Slides
- Slide Box 100 Slides
- Slide mailer Single Slide
- Slide mailer Two Slides
- Slide mailer Five Slides
- Coplin Jar
- Burette 50ml
- Automatic Model Senior
- Automatic Model Junior
- Automatic Model for Euro Design Teacher
- Automatic Model for Euro Design Student
- Automatic Model Ordinary 60 Bills
- Automatic Model Ordinary 120 Bills
- Over Flow Vessel
- Lens Vshaped
- Megnetic Needle Stand Stell Tip
- Megnetic Needle Stand Brass Tip
- Trough 8″*x4″/200mm*100mm
- Helping Aids