+91-9569656363, 01714016363 mgindiasales14@gmail.com

Reagent Bottle Narrow Mount

with Interchangeable Stopper for Reagent Bottle

• sturdy ground neck
• mechanically strong
• chemical resistant
• Protects media from light radiation with a wave-length between 300 nm and 500 nm
• Use: storage in light-sensitive media and for the long-term storage of substances
• Supplied with solid glass stopper

Production Advantages at MG:
1. Unique Ergonomic design to ensure low flow resistance.
2. Direct blown till 2000ml to ensure higher mechanical strength.

Cat. No Capacity
Dimensions Ap-prox(mm) Socket & Stopper Size Price / Unit


45*90 14/23 180
MD.86.02 100/ 125 55*100 19/26 240
MD.86.03 250 70*140 19/26 320
MD.86.04 500 86*177 24/29 400
MD.86.05 1000 101*225 29/32 600
MD.86.06 2000 136*260 34/35 1020